Structured insulated panels

SIP panels

SIP (structured insulated panel) – is a structural insulating panel, traditionally consisting of two OSB boards and expanded polystyrene pasted between them.

SIPCON panels are used for floor, walls, ceiling and roofs in residential and commercial buildings.

Measurements of panels manufactured at the factory are as follows: 1250 mm in width and 2500, 2800 or 3000 mm in height. Besides, panels can be cut according to various measurements.

SIPCON panel set is prepared at the factory within 2-3 days, one panel weights 50-60kg.

It is an ecological and energy-saving product, the best solution when building a passive house.

sip panels

Advantages of SIP panels

SIPCON panels are granted with lifetime warranty!

SIP panels

OSB/3 board contains about 90% of wood. We use formaldehyde free boards only. This product is distinguished by exclusive load-bearing properties, high flexural strength and board solidity. The board is easy to cut, drill, hammer in nails, grind and polish.

GreenBoards are completely safe and combine the best qualities of stone and timber. Green Board fibrolite consists of specially calibrated wood fibre – 60%, Portland cement – 39.8% and waterglass – 0.2%.

Neopor (grey) is a type of expanded polystyrene (EPS) that contains graphite. Compared to EPS, it is because of this component thermal resistance increases up to 20%. Therefore, the thickness of thermal insulating layer can be reduced up to 20% as well.

Usage of neopor completely corresponds to usage of white expanded polystyrene.

Expanded polystyrene – EPS  is manufactured from natural material that is found in nature and human body.

Magnesium oxide (MgO) board is a new-generation building material which is fireproof (flammability class A), resistant to moisture, mould, insect impact and has very high sound insulation properties. Besides, the board is easy to assemble and does not break when fastened.

construction sip panels

Construction Methods


SIP panel houses have many advantages over traditional frame and brick houses and also have a superior construction process.It is the fastest and most effective way to build a quality and durable individual house.
SIP panel technology – suitable for building commercial and farm buildings.